Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Saga of the Lazy, Fat, Stereotypical American.

What do you want to do today? Watch a movie? Listen to some cool jams? Read a book? Maybe even go to the park? Well...all you have to do is grab your laptop and check Netflix, download some new music onto your iPod, peruse your Kindle for the latest must-reads and charge your Segway before you throw it in the car to drive to the allotted green space.

Does anyone else notice us getting lazier and lazier!? Record stores have been on their way out for a long time, with the decreased sale of CDs. Now, it's the movie rental shops that are slowly going under because of cheaper, more accessible competition. Next? Bookstores. What will people do to leave their houses?! There are already companies like Peapod that will deliver your groceries to your door and companies like Amazon and Ebay that will ship virtually anything else to your home address. Catalog ordering your clothes has been commonplace for a while too. That knocks out ninety-percent of shopping needs. So what will people do? Continue to sit on their couch with their TV on, Kindle open, Chinese delivery on the coffee table while wearing that leopard print snuggie from that damn infomercial. I mean, it's really ridiculous when you think about it. I like going to used record stores and looking through new and used albums. I like going Barnes and Noble or Borders and checking out the new releases. I even used to like walking through Blockbuster looking at all the old classics wondering what I was in the mood to watch. But how do I fight the strongest force in the world-technology? I guess I don't. Heck, you can even get a degree online these days. What next? Drinking online? I guess that would basically be a group skype session with beer? What the hell?!

I guess I can just try get out of my apartment more often for things other than school and work. God bless those who value real human interaction outside of the same building you eat, shower and sleep in everyday.


  1. is the only reason to leave the house shopping? has consumerism brought the country to the point that when shopping online paired with home delivery can mean not leaving home? you cant ride a bike online, you cant feel sand between your toes, you cant catch snowflakes... even through a window the outside world tastes different. People should, and that is the unfortunate word "should," enjoy going outside for the sake of going outside. not because you cant get the new part of the twilight series on your kindle yet. laziness exists even in a world of schlepping yourself the two blocks to and from the EL on your way to go shop.

  2. exactly! you might as well not exist if you're going to live in a self constructed cage. with all this technology, we really are just growing apart instead of getting closer.
