Thursday, December 23, 2010

When did you stop believing?

"If a child has concluded, all on her own, that it’s impossible for a man in a flying sleigh to make it all the way around the world in one night, delivering elf-made replicas of all the stuff you see in Target and Best Buy, then that’s a child I would be happy to steer toward a voting booth when she’s 18. That’s an American in search of facts. If, however, she goes on pretending to believe well into her teens (I encountered more than one such teenager in Frisco), because it makes her parents (and God) feel sweet and happy, then I become worried. That becomes an American willing to spend $100,000 on her ‘special day’ wedding, or who will believe without hard evidence that other countries harbor weapons of mass destruction when they don’t." - Hank Stuever in his book, Tinsel: A Search for America’s Christmas Present

I love this quote. Perfect example of people who make an "educated" decision based on one tenet and not the other ten or fifteen outstanding facts. Similar to those who vote Republican simply because they are pro-life, meanwhile ignoring all other vital issues affecting the country that deserve the respect of being acknowledged during elections.

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