Friday, November 11, 2011


11 wishes...
  1. I wish someone would email me back and sell me 2 damn Mat Kearney tickets!
  2. I wish my internet, cable and bathroom towel rod were fixed.
  3. I wish Grad School wasn’t so expensive.
  4. I wish I could lose 20lbs!
  5. I wish I could see my Best Friend right now.
  6. I wish I could be completely fluent in Spanish (working/professional competency)…
  7. I wish for safe traveling with my family in February when we go to India.
  8. I wish I could disapparate.
  9. I wish I could wish my Grandpa a “Happy Veteran’s Day” (WWII).
  10. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life.
  11. I wish I would stop trying to find a reason to live and just LIVE.

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