Thursday, November 18, 2010

26 Things To Do Before I'm 26

As college graduation keeps creeping closer and closer, people keep asking, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I have absolutely no clue, to be honest. Nada. But I find I do well with lists. all you wondering what I plan on doing after graduation, here's a rough idea:

1. Go to Europe again
*I miss it everyday. I miss almost every place I visited, but I'd also like to see Ireland, England, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Germany and Denmark.
2. Skydive
*Never done it! And when the groupon came around, no one wanted to sign up with me!
3. Snowboard
*I've always wanted to try a winter sport and go to a cute little ski resort town somewhere.
4. Cook at least 3 major meals from Julia Child's French Cookbook
*I'm in love with Julie & Julia. I own the movie and book, as well as My Life in France, though I have not begun to read it yet.
5. Become fluent in Spanish and Italian with a 3rd language on the way
*Maybe Polish? Portuguese and French sound cool too
6. Volunteer/Work Abroad
*Maybe not as intense as the Peace Corps, but something for a few weeks in 3rd world country would be really rewarding
7. Become a vegetarian for at least month
*I say "month" because I really don't even know if I could last that long, but they say you're body feels completely different
8. Roadtrip
*I've wanted to do the Route 66 roadtrip for years!
9. See America's (Semi)Natural Wonders
*I've never seen the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore or the Four Corners
10. Go to the Music Festivals I've been planning on going to for years
*Bonnaroo, Rothbury, Northcoast, Summerfest, Pitchfork, Burning Man
11. Got to renowned American Film Festivals
*Tribeca, Traverse City and Sundance
12. Ride in a hot air balloon
13. Go to the Baha'i Temple in America
14. Visit Graceland
15. Adopt a Main Coon
16. Drive a vespa
*And should I be financially capable, BUY one too.
17. Finish a Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle
Re-read all 7 Harry Potter books
*I think one last, good hurrah with one of my childhood obsessions is in order
19. Write more
*in journals, on this, and personal works
20. Take many, many more voice lessons
*I miss singing
21. Engaged?
*I'm leaving the door open: I'm not planning on being engaged, I'm planning on being open to being engaged.
22. Law School?
*Again, leaving the door open...
23. I would like to have something published or recorded professionally somewhere
*Either a poem, a short story, a journalistic piece or a song
24. Visit The Green Mill Lounge, Redhead Piano Bar, Kingston Mines and Jilly's
*All famous music venues in Chicago
25. Get caught up on scrapbooking!
*I'm almost 3 years behind!
26. Change at least one person's life.
*My attempt to be altruistic, even though it sounds SUPER cheesey...

So there you have it. A little more insight to what I will hopefully accomplish in the next few years. I also hope to write more and thats why I started this new blog (hoping I will stick to it better than the Rome blog).

Ciao :-)

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